Lego Batman 2: Reign of Namrepus

{{note|This entire story was copied from a notebook I kept when I was like 10.}}
So this is my very own creepypasta hope you enjoy it ;)
It was a beautifal day outside, and I got a copy of Lego Batman 2 for PS3! It was so awesome! It looked so shiney and amazing...
I put the disc in and find Batman on the rooftops like normal, until I go into the file selection screen and see that every file is 100% complete! Awesome, now I can experience Lego Batman the way I want! The files had names, though...
Woah! Who was Namrepus, and why did I need to beware of him? I clicked on the first file.
EVERYBODY WAS BLOODY ON THE STREETS!!! I was playing as Superman, so I flew around the city to take a good look at everything. I look up at the sky, and I see a green scary version of Superman looking down at me! I cry while quitting the game. I come back and see that the first file was deleted, so I choose the second one. I was playing as Batman, but he was screaming while running away from somehting! I checked behind myself, and the Green Superman was right behind batman! The game froze, so I restarted it, and chose the third file.
It was an ultimate final battle with the green superman! I kicked his ass before being sent to the Ps3 menu. It was great.
That night, while my dad was tucking me in bed, I swore I could hear a distant beep and a few mumbles from my closet...